The Whole Paradox
Welcome to The Whole Paradox podcast, where we explore timeless wisdom in the modern age to cultivate a greater sense of meaning and belonging to ourselves, our world, and one another. We will integrate the sacred, mythic, somatic, creative and poetic to expand our meaning of truth and our capacity for complexity and nuance.
The Whole Paradox
Alchemy: The Archetype of Transformation
In this episode, depth and somatic psychotherapist, Molly Mitchell-Hardt Field dives into the archetypal pattern of psychological transformation as depicted in the art and science of Alchemy. She argues that a symbol understanding of alchemy serves as a foundational understanding of psychology.
"Alchemy can serve as a framework to hold the archetypal patterns of transformation, not only intrapsychically, but also interpsychically between two people, a group of people or even on a global scale. When we are able to see ourselves in an archetypal pattern, it takes us out of the solopsistic view of the individual and into a sense of connection to the all, the everything. We get out of the illusion that we are alone in our experiences, in our own heads, in our own lives, even in our own time on the planet. It connects us to this universal substrate of reality. On some level, I believe that to understand psychology one must understand alchemy."
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The Anatomy of the Psyche by Edward Edinger
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This podcast was produced in association with Channel the Sun by Kevin Joseph Grossmann. Musical stylings by Kevin Joseph Grossmann.