The Whole Paradox
Welcome to The Whole Paradox podcast, where we explore timeless wisdom in the modern age to cultivate a greater sense of meaning and belonging to ourselves, our world, and one another. We will integrate the sacred, mythic, somatic, creative and poetic to expand our meaning of truth and our capacity for complexity and nuance.
The Whole Paradox
How Did We Get Here?
In this episode, Molly Mitchell-Hardt explores what elements may have come together that paved road to present day and how this informed human experience and culture on every level:
"To give us context for the cultural milieu we find ourselves in, mired in global conflict, a worldwide pandemic, and climate crisis to name a few, I find solace in looking to the ancient wisdom of our ancestors. For me, this often leads me back to the question, What existed before the social and cultural system of the patriarchy? "
Follow us @mollymitchellhardt
This podcast was produced in association with Channel the Sun by Kevin Joseph Grossmann. Musical stylings by Kevin Joseph Grossmann.
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When God Was a Woman by Merlin Stone
The Chalice and the Blade by Riane Eisler
Sex, Ecology, Spirituality by Ken Wilber
Dancing in the Flames: The Dark Goddess in the Transformation of Consciousness by Marion Woodman, Elinor Dickson
Follow us @mollymitchellhardt and @thewholeparadox
This podcast was produced in association with Channel the Sun by Kevin Joseph Grossmann. Musical stylings by Kevin Joseph Grossmann.